Yue Ayase (綾瀬 夕映 Ayase Yue?) is a character of UQ Holder! series. She is one of the returning characters from Negima!.
Yue is a young woman with long braided purple hair and eyes. She wears a black witch hat with bandages raped around it, a white long sleeve button up shirt, black pants and brown shoes.
yue shows an indifferent, detached, and cold personality. She speaks her mind bluntly to other people.
- This section covers only the history revealed in UQ Holder!. For Yue Ayase's past exploits, please see Negima! Wiki.
Years prior to the start of UQ Holder, Yue joined the Mahora Martial Arts Tournament 2015 and win the tournament along with her classmate, Kū Fei. Yue participated is the Third War against the Mage of the Beginning along side Negi Springfield. In the aftermath, she along with some allies were pressumed to have fallen in battle.
Negi Springfield Arc[]
Yue appears with Negi after he was taken over by the Mage of the Beginning. Evangeline indicates that Yue was thought to have lost her life in a battle prior to the Mage of the Beginning's confrontation with UQ Holder.
During the confrontation, Yue uses her artifact to reveal to Touta that he is the 72nd 'sibling' created by Evangeline and Fate, and that he is needed to 'save the world'.
It is revealed that Yue and Nodoka formed Formal Pactios with Negi together[1]. It is also revealed that the Pactios formed with the immortal Negi seems to have conferred his immortality to them, as they both stopped aging after forming them. She and Nodoka were taken over by the Mage of the Beginning during its first battle with Negi.
Final Battle Arc[]
Negi Springfield[]
- Philosophastra Illustrans (latin for "Enlightening Little Philosopher"): She is still in possession of her original pactio artifact, called Orbis Sensualium Pictus (
世界図絵 , Orubisu Sensuariumu Pikutusu).[2] The book has a wide array of general information on various magical topics, like an encyclopedia. It is able to display this information in the form of illusory pages, like holograms. Yue has the equivalent of a magical library branch in one book. With it, she was able to look up detailed information about the experiments held in a top secret laboratory which resulted in the creation of Touta Konoe. She is also seen wearing her Witch Hat which comes in a set with her book.
Magical Abilities[]
- master mage: due to years of study and determination, yue has become one of the strongest mages in the world. She shows mastery of advanced spells in her fight with uq holder. She could summon multiple arms from her back and create a bigger one, break various seals, and summon thousands of obsidian blades.
- Levitation: Yue is shown to be able to float in air.
- Genius level intellect: even without her Pactio artifact, yue has a high IQ and fast thinking skills to aid in analyzing the techniques and powers of others and preparing various countermeasures. However, when she lacks motivation, just like in the previous manga, she can’t use it to her full potential.
Voice Actors[]
- Japanese: Natsuko Kuwatani
- English: Elissa Cuellar
- ↑ UQ Holder! Manga: Chapter 148
- ↑ UQ Holder! Manga: Chapter 127, Page 17