UQ Holder Wiki
White Phoenix Advent
White Phoenix Advent
Kanji 白鳳来迎 (はくほう らいごう)
Rōmaji Hakuhō Raigō
Translation White Phoenix Advent
Known Users Negi Springfield
Purpose Offense
Debut Chapter 139

White Phoenix Advent (白鳳来迎, Hakuhō Raigō) is lightning Magic spell.[1]


This is another original secret spell that Negi Springfield created that he used against his father possessed by the Mage of the Beginning in his Raiten Taisō II state during their initial clash. Negi uses Emittam to release Deka Kilipil Astrape from Titanoktonon VII to perform a point-blank lightning attack, powerful enough to cause a sizeable explosion that could be seen from a distance on the asteroid Agartha.


  1. UQ Holder! Manga: Chapter 139, Pages 7 - 8

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