UQ Holder Wiki
Dios Lonchi Titanoktonon VII
Dios Lonchi Titanoktonon VII
Kanji 雷神槍 (ライジンソウ)
巨神ころし (ティタノクトノン) VII」
Rōmaji Raijinsō
"Titanokutonon VII"
Translation Thunder Deity Spear:
"Titan-Slayer VII"
Known Users Negi Springfield
Purpose Offense
Debut Chapter 139

Dios Lonchi Titanoktonon VII (雷神槍 (ライジンソウ) 巨神ころし (ティタノクトノン) VII」, Raijinsō "Titanokutonon VII") is an original lightning Magic spell created by Negi Springfield.[1]


This original spell merges the magical power of Deka Kilipil Astrape with the magic spear of Iaculatio Fulgoris, creating a giant, electrified pike many times bigger than Negi. The Deka Kilipil Astrape can then be released through Emittam at point-blank range to create the White Phoenix Advent.


  • Based on the name, it is the fifth weapon of Dios Lonchi Titanoktonon, meaning there are three other versions he hasn't used, not counting Titanoktonon II: Iaculatio Vortices Tempestatis.


  1. UQ Holder! Manga: Chapter 139, Page 6

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